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Keys to Whole Living

This post is personal. We all grow and change our perspectives. We learn. We see things we didn't see. Sometimes we see things we don't want to see.

In Hebrews 13:8 God says he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This means unchangeable. Hopefully, you see Him giving you all you need and even some of what you want. He is kind, compassionate, long suffering, gracious and full of mercy and truth. That's my paraphrase of Exodus 34:6. This was the first time he described himself.

How would you describe yourself?

Do you see yourself how He sees you? Do you think how you see yourself is how He sees you?

If you are His, loving God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength (Mark 12:30), then He sees you through the eyes of the blood of Jesus. Why? He paid the price. The blood represents life. It cleanses and purifies. You are washed white as snow (Isaiah 1). And the Holy Spirit in you, instructs you how to live. He pricks our conscience. We learn by the Spirit when we do things we shouldn't (commission) and don't do things we should (omission). We are constantly changing for the better. It's a natural result of making Him first in our life. It's a love relationship.

Listening to a teaching recently on Sunday morning, the pastor was talking about the enemy of our souls. He asked about view of self especially when thoughts come to mind like I am worthless, defeated, weak, faithless:___________________________ insert your own.

I have been doing some in depth devotions that a friend is writing which utilizes a song, a personal experience, bible verses, and then questions. You listen to the voice of God about what was discussed, truth, and journal outwardly what's going on inwardly.

In this process, some things have come together. I love the enneagram as it has been instrumental in helping me to uncover my true identity by looking at my shadow self. Combining the hard work of truly looking into myself, what I do and do not like, asking God for His perspective and lens, and then ASKING Him to speak to me, I feel seen and loved. I have always known He loves me, but I have come to the realization I didn't act like it. Still, after all these years, I'm kind of older now, I can stop doing to get approval, and just be. It's a different, new experience to come from rest. No strings attached.

John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

I am here to tell you, as I learn the Word, know His ways, and experience Him, I have more and more life (not just the one time salvation life) and I have it more abundantly (doesn't mean I won't suffer, have persecution, or someone won't like me).


The cross of Jesus Christ paid the price. Man transgressed by using free will to eat from a tree and I am restored because of His death on a tree. Hebrews 12:2

Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for me. Romans 8:34

Holy Spirit is also interceding for me. Romans 8:26-27

That's two of the three of the Trinity, praying for me! And you!

I'm covered in front with the cross and I have both Jesus and the Holy Spirit praying for me. I mean that's more than enough. But there's more! Ha, ha, and it doesn't cost $19.99. Salvation is free.

Let's not forget the angels. With Psalm 91:11-12 He orders His angels to protect you wherever you go. If you walk into a trap they will be there for you and keep you from stumbling. What a promise for those who serve Him.

Where's the enemy?

Colossians 2:15 says Jesus disarmed the principalities and powers, making a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them. They aren't gone (we still live in this fallen world) but if you are Christ's they have lost all their authority. Oh the enemy tries to go about like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8) seeing if he can get to you. All he has on you is what you already did, which is covered by Christ's blood. And if God doesn't remember them (Isaiah 43:25), you can tell him he has no authority over your life.

What is behind me???? Besides my past?

Psalm 23:6 Only goodness and mercy will follow me, or pursue me all the days of my life. So if you do turn around, are you seeing His goodness in place of your past? Are you seeing mercy or loving kindness in its place?

What's following you?

I'm surrounded!




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