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Let Him

Keys to Whole Living

We live in a world where we are taught you can do anything. You can. Be whatever you want to be. You can. Achieve, strive, go for it. You can do it. Positive reinforcements are on all sides to be unique, stand out, stand up. You can. You were made to move. Be better. Do more. Live life to the fullest. You can. You will. Everyone has purpose. Each person has a space and place that belongs only to them. You were made for this.

What you do, where you go, what you want to be, it's all vastly important. You do have purpose and no one can fill the space that belongs to you. You were made for this. But who are you? More importantly, whose are you? Here at Keys to Whole Living, we believe the bigger picture is the Omnipotent God wants a personal and individual relationship with you. Who are you? Underneath all the daily life, all the giving out, the career you've chosen, being a mom or dad, the friends you keep, who are you?

Do you know you? Who are you? Do you know your likes and dislikes? What makes you most content? What are your dreams? What are you thinking about? What consumes you? What characteristics would you use to describe yourself? There is only one you and God created you. It is good to get to know yourself.

There is something even greater. It's letting God who is love (1 John 4:8), love you. The bible tells us we love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). He loved us so much that Jesus suffered and died for you and for me. You can't give anymore than that! He waits for us to accept Him. That's the beginning. He also desires real relationship, one on one with you.

He says the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength (Mark 12:30). He already loves you insert your name with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength.

So would you LET HIM come to you and show you how he loves you? Would you let your guard down and spend some time one on one with Him? Can you LET HIM speak to your spirit? How about give you a hug? Perhaps if you let go, He can take the reins and show you His strength. What about affirmations? Go ahead, ask Him what he thinks. LET HIM speak to your heart. Father God is proud of you. He wants to provide for you and protect you like an earthly dad. Jesus wants to be your best friend. You tell Him your secrets and listen for some of His. What does He think about you, what you're doing, where you're going? Precious Holy Spirit would love to come and comfort, teach and guide you. LET HIM.

Revelation 3:20 CEV Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together.

Open your heart afresh. He is always knocking and pursing you. You are worth it. Yes you can. He is ever waiting just for you.

Let Him!




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