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In the Stillness

Keys to Whole Living

Seasons change and with it the din of activity that surrounds everyday life. I almost titled this post In the Quiet, but have your ever been in true stillness?

Christmas is over and the New Year is soon upon us. How often do we live, in the moment, where we are right now? It's winter. It's the season many tolerate. Nothing is growing. Ants have gone underground to utilize what they've stored. Bears are hibernating. It's cold. And the days are short. It is however, a season of in many aspects, a blank slate. I have time to think, or at least it feels that way.

I have always loved the verse be STILL and KNOW that I am God. Psalm 46:10.

What does it mean to be still? Ever asked a child to be still? Some have a natural inclination more than others. Often the art of distraction is a great assistance. When I was small (showing my age here), my mom would give me a candy, usually a peppermint during church to help with all the fidgeting. Today, we have many things that we use for distraction- from TV, games, computer, music, shopping, books, food, even friends name it! As an adult, we are distracting from what's really going on, underneath. How often, have you been in touch with what you THINK and FEEL. If an emotion flares up to WHOM do you go? Pondering the above, I realized, I have used reading the Word of God as a distraction from real relationship with God, in all His identity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I've journaled for years. I want to hear the voice of God. I want direction. I desire to know what He thinks. Yet, in the midst of listening, I have read the bible (please do so and daily) before sitting to listen. He uses it and often what I hear or journal relates to what He has said in the Word I read. Sometimes it has been through song or worship. I tell Him what I think and ask questions. I wait for answers. He speaks.

But there is more! To get STILL before the Lord is still different.

We are a body, soul, and spirit. That piece of candy growing up was an opportunity of diversion to quiet the body. I still had something to do which was suck on that sweet delight. There are situations in which as an adult, I still fidget. How I overcome that, I doodle on paper. What about where you can't really move, like the dentist chair? Music is played, or I have a dentist who talks to me and even asks questions, but like uhm I can't answer you! This soul of ours, the mind, will, and emotions run their own races.

Psalm 62:5 TPT I am standing in absolute stillness, silent before the one I love waiting as long as it takes for him to rescue me. Only God is my Savior and he will not fail me.

Let me bring this full circle. In order to connect personally with my God, to hear him, what he thinks and feels as well as personally between the two of us, He desires my full attention. As much as I want Him to listen to me, He also wants me to listen to Him. I quiet my body. I relay to him what I need to tell him first if I can't turn it off, like sharing with your best friend or spouse the second you see them. I am learning to quiet all the stray thoughts and emotions by the willingness of heart, my soul. God I want to know what you think, feel, say, without any of me in the way.

The spirit part of us is the piece which is not physical.

1 Corinthians 2:11 ESV Who can really see into a person's heart and know his hidden impulses except for that person's spirit?

Ecclesiastes 12:7b ESV and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

John 4:24 ESV God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Romans 1:9 ESV For God is my witness, whom I serve him with my spirit in the gospel of his Son...

Be STILL. I found what works for me is to turn on slower instrumental worship music. The music soothes and relaxes me to be able to concentrate on Him. Connection.

Psalm 23:2 ESV He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.

Now I've started asking God what would He like to share today? My Father, what do you think? How do you feel? What do you think about me? You care and give me good gifts and are my provider (Matt 6:9-13, 7:11). Jesus, you gave your life for me; I am totally accepted and unconditionally loved because of you. Where should we walk today? Whom do you want me to join you with in praying and interceding for (Romans 8:34)? Or to the Holy Spirit, you are my teacher my guide. Am I in the center of your will doing things you have purposed and ordained (see John 16:13)? What's on your mind, your heart? How can I align with where you are?

Psalm 37:7a TPT Quiet your heart in his presence and wait patiently for Yahweh.

In the stillness reminds me of freshly fallen snow. It only occurs in this winter season. It's where life slows just a bit. Nothing is disturbed. At least not yet in the morning hours. It's fresh. The trees become clear and you can see how each one is created. You can hear the winds. Time seems to stand still.

Each day is like that. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 2:22-23). Clean slate. Breath of fresh air.

Brian Simmons of The Passion Translation has a footnote on Lamentations 3:23 'Fresh new mercies greet me with every sunrise. He says this, "You can connect with the mercy of God, a renewable resource, as you start your day. The Hebrew word for "morning" comes from a root that has a homonym that means "to seek, inquire". Every morning we can seek for more of him and discover fresh mercy.'

Seeking Him in the morning of freshness like newly fallen snow.

Breathe Deep,




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